How to Setup 3CX on an Android Device

Installing 3CX on Android Devices

IMPORTANT: Before following this guide, make sure that a 3CX account has been created for you and you have received an email with installation instructions for your mobile device. Also, in order for the 3CX phone app to work, you MUST be on a wifi or mobile network (3G/4G) connection.

  1. On your Android Device click the following link, and install the application:
  2. On your Android device, locate the ‘Play Store’ application and open it.
  3. Search for the application needed by typing in ‘3CX phone’ into the search bar. Once you hit search you will see a few choices for 3CX applications. Make sure you download the 3CX Communications System app.
  4. Once you have the application installed, open up your email on your Android device.
  5. Find the 3CX Welcome Email that contains your QR Code to install your extension configuration. If  you do not have a QR reader on your phone, you can click on the attachment in the email that says 3CX config on it. The link from the QR Code or the attachment should open in your 3CX app and install itself.

Your Android device is now ready to be used with 3CX!

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— caution these links are to 3rd party sites and we can not guarantee that they will always be available . If you notice a link is broken, please let us know at the helpdesk.