Connect an Apple device to receive emails from an Exchange Server

Connecting Exchange with Your Other Emails

Here are the basic steps to connect your Apple device to an account hosted on a Microsoft Exchange Server. The exact steps might vary a little depending on your provider, but this should give you a pretty good idea of how itā€™s done.

1:Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā On iPhone or iPad, tap Settings > Mail > Add Account > Microsoft Exchange.

2:Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Click the Microsoft Exchange Option.

3:           Tap in the E-mail box and enter your full e-mail address (ie. Then hit Next

4:         Now Enter your Password and hit Next

5:       In the Server box enter: (if you have you email hosted with Helptech Group)

If you do not know the Server Information:  Check out our ā€œHow to determine a Microsoft Outlook Server Nameā€ article

6:        Enter the Domain name (Generally this is the company website url/the part after the @ in the email name. In this instance ā€œhelptechgroup.comā€

7:         Enter your email address in the Username box

8:         Reenter you password if it is not already there and hit Next

9:          Click Save and your email is now set up!

You should now be able to find your account in your mail app

If you have questions, please contact us at We’re here to get you connected!

For more ways to connect, you can check out our Tech Tips or some of our videos on our YouTube channel here